The Second Dance with Vulnerability
Once you dance with Vulnerability you never want to stop. You want to hold her forever. When you walk down the street, when you go to sleep, every moment you dream of dancing with her. You learn a new move. You spin her. You hold her close. You dip her. She transforms your life. When you finally let her into your life, then you finally start to live.
When I started dancing with Vulnerability it felt like we were listening to one of the greatest songs in the world, maybe Fleetwood Mac’s Landslide. We knew all the lyrics and sang until our lungs collapsed and our eyes fell into each other’s soul. From that moment, she knew my inner most fears, my sacred thoughts, and the emotional baggage I carried around. When I felt her aura, I knew I had to let go and let her take control. My weaknesses were now her strengths. My insecurities were now securely intact; below the surface, past the pain, sunlight started to shine from within.
My inner strength was going through metamorphosis; I was growing from child into a man. A man who was finally in touch with his feelings, his thoughts, his soul. For years, my emotions were nothing more than a house of cards just waiting to collapse. I could lift all the weights in the world and yet be crushed by a look. Not anymore. After dancing with Vulnerability, I started to take my life back. I started to reshape it the way it needed to be molded specifically for me. It’s a beautiful thing to be vulnerable. It’s like you paint a picture of yourself in the eyes of the world of who you really are. When you become vulnerable you open yourself up to the world and you are finally free. Free from all the norms, free from all the nonsense, free from the nuances of what it means to be a man.
I knew that I didn’t have to hide any more. My feelings were an extension of me, and an extension of me is a beautiful thing. I wasn’t afraid of removing my armored chest plate. I wasn’t afraid of wearing my true emotions. I wasn’t afraid of being rejected for who I was because of what I was feeling.
Once you dance with Vulnerability, you are completely stripped of your inhibitions and insecurities. You no longer have the barriers and emotions hurdles that you jumped through each day you stayed hidden from yourself. You hide from yourself because you’re hiding from the world. When you look in the mirror you see a man crying no tears. He has no tears because he is consumed by his fears of letting his guard down. To be a real man, you have to keep your guard up; that’s what they say.
You have to pass through the pain to make a pass at Vulnerability. She will look right through you like you were a pane of glass. You cannot have regrets, you cannot have reservations, you can only have remorse for not choosing to ask Vulnerability to dance sooner.